Thursday, November 20, 2008

Blog Sync

I had to make a Wordpress acct for class, and made some entries there, so I'm just reposting what I put there with a few additions until I sync it all up.

Con-jugal Visits - The Smoking Gun

I guess it's just a sign of human desire at work here. Apparently, some were trying for months to even get access into the ceiling. I wonder if they even bothered to search for a possible escape through the vents. Kinda weird how they've been charged for felony escape when it doesn't seem like they tried. Maybe they did unsuccessfully and just decided to settle for some boom-boom instead. Imagine if you drop down into the wrong cell...

Prince's "realization" - Star Tribune

Of all people, I didn't expect someone like him to have such an opinion, especially with the image he portrayed in his act (think MTV butt-pants). Any time I think of Prince, it's usually in reference to Chappelle's or Foxx's portrayal of him.

Poor College English - Baltimore Examiner

Fitting news, considering I have a Writing Skills Test coming up at CSUEB. Reminds me of when I used to proof papers back in middle/high school.

'Meh' Added to Dictionary - Times Online

I actually didn't start using this word until I saw it online, and I pretty much only use it online. Verbally, I think I use "eh" more. So how do I feel about it?


Self-defense fraud at UCD - CBS 13

This reminds me so much about a prior post I made (gotta dig it up) where a doctor basically prescribed sexual intercourse with him as therapy. Of course a doctor is a position of more authority than a self-defense instructor, but still an amusing story nonetheless. What a way to pitch your product and get your jollies off at the same time. I could just imagine him trying to justify his actions and explanations to those who went to his demonstration...

"Yeah, if you reach back here and grab this... Don't be afraid, go ahead. Yeah... like that... You see, by doing this, you'll confuse the attacker."

I guess the lesson out of all of this is that there is only one true form of self-defense...

and that is the Hikuta punch ( 1 | 2 )

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sleep is my friend

I always wondered if there's any general guideline in terms of maximizing your time when it comes to cramming for an exam. I have to admit I came quite unprepared for this test which I just took for my history class. I haven't touched the book all quarter until last night and this morning. I targeted a time line of 15-30 minute chapter reviews to cover 15 total chapters of content which consisted of about 200-250 pages total reading. This was to hopefully fill the gaps that weren't covered during lectures and to provide more details on some key subjects.

That didn't happen.

Last night was occupied with defiant behavior from the kids followed by a Calculus assignment that took up way too much time to complete. Once I got around to continue studying, it was already late. I decided that sleep was important prior to exams and set aside a few hours for that. Figure I'd wake up super early to squeeze in hopefully 5-6 hours prior to the test.

That didn't happen either.

I got up much later than I had planned, but early enough to get about 3 hours of study in. It was studying without a plan though. I should've read through my notes and targeted areas where I didn't have a thorough knowledge. Instead, I just kinda read through the book, trying to pinpoint important points on the way.

When the hour finally rolled around to take the test, it didn't look as bad as I thought it would. I don't know whether to account this to me paying attention in class or if the last minute cram paid off. What I do believe is that getting sleep actually helped me to think clearly. I think that getting sleep paid off a lot more than busting an all-nighter ever could, at least for me.

So anyway, sleep is good. Sleep is great. Now don't let yourself fall behind again, dang it... lol

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Election

I believe a lot of factors lead to size of the margin in this election. One of those factors being the Presidency of George Bush. I would like to see the end results and do some comparisons in terms of voter turn out. Obama was a much more appealing candidate than Gore and Kerry could ever hope to be and probably attracted many voters to the polls.

Whatever the case, all we can do now is wait and see. I can only hope that the "change" Obama promised is truly a change for the better. I don't think that's too far-fetched an idea, especially after Bush.

Proposition 8

Prop 8 is definitely THE hot button topic of this election for California, and I believe it's well summarized here (yeah, Wiki, of all places). The issue of gay marriage has an interesting history here in California, dating back to 2000 with the passing of Prop 22, a ruling by the California Supreme Court in May this year, and then now Prop 8 for this year's election.

It's interesting when you hear the little tidbits on both sides of the issue. The main thing that stuck out to me was the change in text from the original proposition to the ballot. The original proposition reads as follows:
This initiative measure is submitted to the people in accordance with the provisions of Article II, Section 8, of the California Constitution.
This initiative measure expressly amends the California Constitution by adding a section thereto; therefore, new provisions proposed to be added are printed in italic type to indicate that they are new.
SECTION 1. Title
This measure shall be known and may be cited as the “California Marriage Protection Act.”
SECTION 2. Section 7.5 is added to Article I of the California Constitution, to read:
SEC. 7.5. Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.
The title and summary were revised by Atty Gen Jerry Brown to "more accurately reflect the measure." Here's how it reads on the ballot:


  • Changes the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California.
  • Provides that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.
I suppose it is technically accurate, but that is quite shift, isn't it? From supposedly "protecting marriage" to "eliminating rights."

So whatever side you're on for this issue, as well as any other issue or candidate on your local, state, or for the national ballot, just make sure you do your research.

Instead of telling you to go vote, I'm gonna go further and say do your research first, then vote.

Election Day 08

... and all I'm worried about right now is my Calculus exam.

All I know is that I'm glad this is FINALLY gonna be over.  I'm sick of hearing election this and election that for the past however many years this has been going on.

Whoever wins, they got a big job ahead of them with the economy in its current state, terrorism, and the global changes that are slowly coming about.  Let's just get this over with and hope that the victor is truly a change for the better in these troubling times.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


The pressure is starting to stack on. One mid-term this Thursday and two coming up next Tuesday. Calculus is starting to hit hard and I got to do tons of catch up in terms of CA History.

I wasted a good hour and a half at the Advising Center and didn't find anything out regarding my GE status. I'm technically still being processed as a student. I'm still a sophomore in the system even though I enrolled as a junior.

I really got to set aside time every day to study. It's kinda strange cuz I haven't even been really spending a lot of time goofing off playing games or anything like that. I've just been so busy occupied with the normal day-to-day activities that come with being at home with the family on my off days.

Anyway, I just hope that I'm able to cope with the load for this week.... it's gonna be rough. I can't let my emotions or anything distract me from what I need to accomplish this week.


Okay, I'm getting really sidetracked with this coding project. Sure it's for school, but I've been putting the higher priorities aside for this. I guess I'm having too much fun.

Anyway, my domain is coming more to life, thankfully. Hopefully, once I get all the CSS down, I'll have a site that's a little more presentable. I got my blog to successfully feed to my site, so I'm pretty psyched about that.

I gotta get to sleep. Still haven't done my Calculus due tomorrow... dammit :P

Saturday, October 25, 2008

It's time for a "change"

... more likely time for 4-8 more years of the same ol' party politics. Regardless of who wins this coming election, I'm afraid of what may lie ahead in the future of our country. For once, I'm not as interested in the politics between the two candidates because of the lack of major differences between the two. I might just toss out my ballot because I didn't give it much effort or thought when I filled it out. I've found it difficult to find motivation to vote lately, especially in a state like California where it seems that the decisions on most issues has already been made for me.

Anyway, gonna try to finish up the skeleton of this website and we'll see what I put up in terms of actual content.

Friday, October 24, 2008

I want to revive the idea. Not sure if I want it exactly the same, conceptually. We'll see... My COMM class at CSUEB has brought me back to the scene though, so why not take the opportunity to get the project off the ground, whether it be a personal site, or closer to what I envisioned.

Now where the hell did I put that logo....?